Journals of the Continental Congress - Letter from Lord North; May 30, 1775
TUESDAY, MAY 30, 1775

The Congress met according to adjournment.

Mr [Thomas] Willing, one of the delegates for Pensylvania, informed the Congress, that a gentleman was just arrived from London, who had brought with him a paper, which he says he recd from Lord North, and which was written, at the desire of his Lordship, by Mr. Gray Cooper, Under-Secy of the Treasury; and he understood it to be his Lordship's desire that it shod be communicated to the Congress. He had for that purpose put it into his hands. Mr Willing observed, that he had strewn the paper to Dr Franklin, who was well acquainted with the hand writing of Mr Cooper, and that he verily believed the paper brought by the gentleman was written by Mr Cooper.

The paper being read is as follows:

That it is earnestly hoped by all the real friends of the Americans, that the terms expressed in the resolution of the 20th of February last, will be accepted by all the colonies, who have the least affection for their King and country, or a just sense of their own interest.

That these terms are honourable for Great Britain, and safe for the colonies.

That if the colonies are not blinded by faction, these terms will remove every grievance relative to taxation, and be the basis of a compact between the colonies, and the mother country.

That the people in America ought, on every consideration to be satisfyed with them.

That no further relaxation can be admitted.

The temper and spirit of the Nation are so much against concessions, that if it were the intention of administration, they could not carry the Question.

But administration have no such intention, as they are fully and firmly persuaded, that further concessions would be injurious to the colonies as well as to Great-Britain.

That there is not the least probability of a change of administration.

That they are perfectly united in opinion and determined to pursue the most effectual measures, and to use the whole force of the Kingdom, if it be found necessary, to reduce the rebellious and refractory provinces and colonies.

There is so great a spirit in the nation against the Congress, that the people will bear the temporary distresses of a stoppage of the American trade.

They may depend on this to be true.

Journals of the Continental Congress 1774-1779
Vol. II Pages 71-72
Edited from the original records in the Library of Congress
by Worthington Chauncey Ford; Chief, Division of Manuscripts.
Washington, DC : Government Printing Office, 1905.
127 Wall Street, New Haven, CT 06511.