France - Convention of 1800 :
French Instrument of Ratification

Bonaparte, First Consul, in the name of the French people- the Consuls of the Republic having seen and examined the convention concluded, agreed to, and signed at Paris the 8th Vendemiaire, 9th year of the French Republic (30th September, 1800), by the Citizens Joseph Bonaparte, Fleurieu, and Roederer, Counsellors of State, in virtue of the full powers which have been given to them to this effect, with Messieurs Ellsworth, Davie, and Murray, Ministers Plenipotentiary of the United States, equally furnished with full powers, the tenor of which convention follows:

[ Here follows the French Text of the Convention ]

Approves the above convention in all and each of the articles which are therein contained; declares that it is accepted, ratified, and confirmed; and promises that it shall be inviolably observed.

The Government of the United States having added in its ratification that the convention should be in force for the space of eight years and having omitted the second article, the Government of the French Republic consents to accept, ratify, and confirm the above convention with the addition importing that the convention shall be in force for the space of eight years and with the retrenchment of the second article: Provided, by this retrenchment the two states renounce the respective pretensions which are the object of the said article.

In faith whereof these presents are given, signed, countersigned, and sealed with the Great Seal of the Republic.

At Paris the 12th Thermidor, 9th year of the Republic (31st July, 1801).


The Minister of Exterior Relations


BY the First Consul

The Secretary of State

Treaties and Other International Acts of the United States of America.
Edited by Hunter Miller
Volume 2
Documents 1-40 : 1776-1818
Washington : Government Printing Office, 1931.

127 Wall Street, New Haven, CT 06511.