Foreign Relations of the United States : 1918 The Conclusion of the Peace of Brest Litovsk
The Ambassador in Russia (Francis) to the Secretary of State

File No. 763.72/8500

The Ambassador in Russia (Francis) to the Secretary of State

[Telegram ]

PETROGRAD, January 13, 1918.

[Received January 15, £.18 a. m.]

2229. In response to request from newspaper for New Year greeting to Russian people, I gave following which appears in to-day's Vek, successor of Rech:

The best greeting I can give to the Russian people from America is the message of President Wilson, delivered to Congress, December 26/January 8, and given in full to the Russian press. That message not only stated the aims and objects of America in entering and continuing the war to final victory, but expresses clearly and forcefully the sentiments of America to Russia and the sympathy of the American people, which have enjoyed freedom for more than one hundred forty years, for the Russian people who have enjoyed freedom for only ten months. There is nothing I can add to this eloquent and impressive message of the President of my country, which, while delivered to the Congress of the United States is an appeal to all belligerent governments and the peoples thereof.

The Russian people, however, cannot be too often reminded or too deeply impressed with the fact that their hard-earned freedom is jeopardized by negotiations for a separate peace nor that if Germany should dominate Russia their highly prized liberty or the fruits of the revolution will be sacrificed. President Wilson in a memorable message addressed to the Senate of the United States January 9/22 last, clearly portrayed the kind of a peace that would be enduring, the kind of a peace all just-minded and right-feeling peoples could join in a league to enforce. That was a peace which recognized the right of all peoples to dispose of themselves. That message was delivered and promulgated three and a half months before America entered the war. It outlined the same kind of a Peace that Russia championed after the revolution of February 27/March 12 last-the same kind of a peace that the Soviet government of Russia and the wearied but gallant soldiers of this afflicted country feel is now jeopardized by German trickery.


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