September 11, 2001 : Attack on America
Congressional Record House - 2001 Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Act for Recovery from and Response to Terrorist Attacks on the United States; September 14, 2001


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Mr. YOUNG of Florida. Mr. Speaker, pursuant to the order just adopted, I call up the bill (H.R. 2888) making emergency supplemental appropriations for fiscal year 2001 for additional disaster assistance, for anti-terrorism initiatives, and for assistance in the recovery from the tragedy that occurred on September 11, 2001, and for other purposes, and ask for its immediate consideration.

The Clerk read the title of the bill.

The text of H.R. 2888 is as follows:

H.R. 2888

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in

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Congress assembled, That the following sums are appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, to provide emergency supplemental appropriations for fiscal year 2001, namely:




For emergency expenses to respond to the terrorist attacks on the United States that occurred on September 11, 2001, to provide assistance to the victims of the attacks, and to deal with other consequences of the attacks, $40,000,000,000, to remain available until expended, including for the costs of (1) providing Federal, State, and local preparedness for mitigating and responding to the attacks, (2) providing support to counter, investigate, or prosecute domestic or international terrorism, (3) providing increased transportation security, (4) repairing public facilities and transportation systems damaged by the attacks, and (5) supporting national security: Provided, That these funds may be transferred to any authorized Federal Government activity to meet the purposes of this Act: Provided further, That the Congress designates the entire amount as an emergency requirement pursuant to section 251(b)(2)(A) of the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985: Provided further, That $40,000,000,000 shall be available only to the extent that an official budget request, that includes designation of the $40,000,000,000 as an emergency requirement as defined in the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985, is transmitted by the President to the Congress: Provided further, That the President shall consult with the chairmen and ranking minority members of the Committees on Appropriations prior to the transfer of these funds: Provided further, That of the $40,000,000,000 made available herein, $10,000,000,000 shall not be available for transfer to any Department or Agency until 15 days after the Director of the Office of Management and Budget has submitted to the House and Senate Committees on Appropriations a proposed allocation and plan for use of the funds for that Department or Agency; $20,000,000,000 may be obligated only when enacted in a subsequent emergency appropriations bill, in response to the terrorist acts on September 11, 2001: Provided further, That the President shall transmit an amended budget request proposing an allocation of funds: Provided further, That not less than one-half of the $40,000,000,000 shall be for disaster recovery activities and assistance related to the terrorist acts in New York, Virginia and Pennsylvania on September 11, 2001, as authorized by law: Provided further, That the Director of the Office of Management and Budget shall provide quarterly reports to the Committees on Appropriations on the use of these funds, beginning not later than January 2, 2002: Provided further, That the President shall submit to the Congress as soon as practicable detailed requests to meet any further funding requirements for the purposes specified in this Act.

General Provisions

SEC. 1. Funds appropriated by this Act, or made available by the transfer of funds in this Act, for intelligence activities are deemed to be specifically authorized by the Congress for purposes of Section 504 of the National Security Act of 1947 (50 U.S.C. 414).

SEC. 2. Funds appropriated by this Act, or made available by the transfer of funds in this Act, may be obligated and expended notwithstanding section 10 of Public Law 91-672, section 313 of the Foreign Relations Authorization Act, fiscal years 1994 and 1995, and section 15 of the State Department Basic Authorities Act of 1956.

This Act may be cited as the ``2001 Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Act for Recovery from and Response to Terrorist Attacks on the United States''.

The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursuant to the order of the House of today, the gentleman from Florida (Mr. YOUNG) and the gentleman from Wisconsin (Mr. Obey) each will control 30 minutes.

The Chair recognizes the gentleman from Florida (Mr. Young).

[Time: 09:15]

Mr. YOUNG of Florida. Mr. Speaker, I yield myself such time as I may consume.

Mr. Speaker, America is one Nation united under God today more than any time since December 7, 1941, when we were attacked at Pearl Harbor. Americans are normally very busy people, staying focused on those matters of concern to ourselves and to our families.

Today our country's focus is on our fellow Americans who lost their lives in the despicable terrorist attack on Tuesday, September 11, 2001, and also on their families who mourn them. We seek God's blessing of comfort for them.

Today, Mr. Speaker, America has officially set aside a time for national mourning. We will also focus on rebuilding what terrorists destroyed. Today we focus on not only seeking out those who brought this attack to our land, but to deal with those who might be planning other sneak attacks on America or the rest of the civilized world. Americans will not live in fear, and we will not allow attacks on our people or our places.

With the action of the United States Congress today, the world will know that our people and we as their representatives in Congress are more united behind our President as he leads this great Nation under God than most Americans alive today have ever witnessed. We absorbed the attacks in Beirut when we lost brave Marines. We absorbed the attack at Khobar Towers when we lost brave members of our Air Force deployed to that part of the world. We absorbed the embassy attacks in Africa with some retaliation. We had the attack on the USS Cole where members of our Navy were killed or seriously injured, and we will rebuild the Cole as a monument to advise the world that we will not accept these attacks on our people.

When the attacks came on Tuesday of this week, we had several options. We could have selected to wait, to see if this was another isolated act of terrorism, or we could choose to fight back, to do whatever is necessary to protect our Nation, to protect our families, and to preserve our freedoms and our way of life.

Let there be no doubt. Our choice, the choice of President George Bush, the choice of the United States Congress, and the choice of the great people of a great Nation is to fight back. The world will be impressed by our response as we mobilize for this fight.

As we present this bill today, Mr. Speaker, I thank the Speaker of the House for all of the assistance and wisdom and guidance the gentleman from Illinois gave us as we produced this bill. This was not an easy bill to decide how best to respond in a constitutional way.

I thank the leaders of the Senate who worked so diligently with us in order to write the bill that we will present here this morning, and I thank the gentleman from Wisconsin (Mr. OBEY), the ranking member of the Committee on Appropriations. We debated, argued our some differences, and worked together as Americans to come up with the right solution. Throughout, the gentleman from Wisconsin was a pillar of strength, a giant; and I want to say I appreciate the efforts the gentleman from Wisconsin made to make this happen.

I thank the members of our staff who stayed with us through the day and the night in order to present this bill and make it a good bill.

Mr. Speaker, I thank our friends and allies around the world who have come to our aid and assistance, if nothing more than with their words and demonstrations of support. That is a strong message for us and to the rest of the world, and especially to the terrorists in the world, that we are a united people against terrorism.

Mr. Speaker, the bill that we present today, H.R. 2888, is an emergency supplemental appropriations bill that basically provides $40 billion to be available as needed by the President, and as agreed to by the Congress, in order to mobilize this Nation to fight this fight, to eliminate the threat of terrorism from the United States and from the civilized world.

We are going to move this bill quickly today, and we are going to have this mobilization underway. I think that the world will be impressed, and I believe that fear should be in the hearts of the terrorists because our people will not live in fear. We will not allow that to happen.

Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of my time.

Mr. OBEY. Mr. Speaker, I yield myself 14 minutes.

Mr. Speaker, this bill is a response to the worst attack on U.S. soil in the history of our republic. That attack requires a response which is focused, strong, mature, and lasting. That attack requires a response that is based on solid unity, and that unity must be based upon the recognition of and the overcoming of our differences, not in the ignoring or the papering over of our differences. That is the only way to provide true unity over the long haul.

Very frankly, twice in the last 2 days I was concerned that that unity would not come about. This morning I can tell every Member of this House without question that those divisions have

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been overcome during negotiations on this bill, and I think it is important that some Members who have some misgivings understand the history of this bill.

During negotiations on this bill, money has never been an object. Make no mistake about it, this committee, this body, will provide whatever resources are needed to respond to this challenge, not just today, not just tomorrow, but for as long as it takes; but it is crucial in our rush to a response that we preserve and protect the institutional arrangements that have been the very foundation of our liberty since the Constitution was first written.

Mr. Speaker, the Congress has essentially only two powers that mean anything in the scheme of things. The first is the War Power; the second is the power of the purse. Very frankly, I am sad to say because of the nature of the times that we live in, the nature of technology and our own history over the last 30 years, the Congress' power to determine when we go to war has substantially eroded.

Today, except in the most extraordinary circumstances, it is, frankly, the President who decides whether we will pull the trigger. But that means that Congress has a double obligation under the oath that we all took, to maintain the power of the purse. And we do not do that for turf reasons; we do it because that is the fundamental power that Congress has, to preserve liberty for every American.

Let me give some practical examples. These may seem mundane, but they go to the core of the relationship between branches of government.

The World Trade Center in New York, I have no idea how that is going to finally be rebuilt, but at some point I think it is safe to say there may be a question about whether the Federal Government plays a role in funding that. I do not know what the outcome of that will be, but I do know that Congress as an institution has a right to be involved in those decisions. This is not a decision that can just be made by one branch of government unilaterally.

The subway damage in New York. Decisions about the shape and nature of Federal involvement in repairing the subway must be made on a collaborative basis between the two branches of government.

Public safety at airports. That is our first line of defense against terrorism and that failed this week. We are going to have major decisions made about how safety at airports are upgraded. The Congress must be able to take advantage of the expertise that people in this body have, people like the chairman of the subcommittee, the gentleman from Kentucky (Mr. ROGERS), the gentleman from Minnesota (Mr. OBERSTAR), and others who know a great deal about this.

That expertise can be brought to bear only by congressional participation in those decisions. These are just some fairly mundane examples, but they are important in the long-term scheme of things.

The first package that was presented to us was, frankly, a blank check; and to the credit of the people involved, that approach was rejected.

This bill provides unprecedented grants of authority to the President, but it does retain reasonable congressional ability to make its own judgments about how this money ought to be spent, and I want to describe what it does.

This bill is a down payment on the efforts of this country to undertake to find and punish those who committed this terrible act and those who supported them, and it is a downpayment on providing the resources necessary to rebuild this Nation. It provides an initial payment of $40 billion to help the victims repair the damage, upgrade our security, and begin the military preparations to find and destroy the perpetrators of these deplorable and despicable acts. $10 billion will be available immediately upon the signature of the President and will be spent in areas of government that he deems appropriate under consultation with the Congress.

A second $10 billion will become available after he has published his plans for its use. The Congress will have 15 days to review those plans, and I fully expect that there will be a respectful relationship between the two branches of government in ironing out any misgivings that Congress might have with respect to any of those plans.

Next, an additional $20 billion will be spent based upon the submission of a Presidential budget request and an action by the Congress in the regular appropriations bills that we will be sending to the President in the weeks ahead. Half of this money will be for responding to domestic cleanup, reconstruction, and humanitarian needs. The remainder will be for tightening security in military operations.

In addition, Congress will be considering defense appropriations bills within the next few weeks that will contain in excess of $340 billion as well as domestic appropriations which will contain numerous additional commitments to improving and enhancing security.

Mr. Speaker, we are in day three of a new world. As a past President indicated a long time ago, we are entering into a long twilight struggle against terrorism. This is going to be a very nasty enterprise. Our country for its entire history has been shielded by two oceans from this kind of threat. Today with modern technology, with modern transportation, it is not only the economy that is global, we also have a global capability of people to take out their hatred on those that they do not like.

[Time: 09:30]

There is no question America paid a price for world leadership. If it proves to be that the people who perpetrated this act are those we suspect, it will demonstrate that we have also paid a price for the world's failure to find a resolution to the Middle East problems. We have also paid a price for a long period of underfunding a number of critical public service items, including airport security.

This is going to be a long fight. We need to be able to stick together for the duration. That means we are going to have to be able to trust each other implicitly. We are going to have to be able to trust each other's word. And we are going to have to have a respectful relationship between the two branches of government. Because it is very easy, once the going gets tough on an issue like this, for people to bail out. The only thing that will keep us together is conscience and unity built on honest agreement.

I want to thank a few people. I want to thank Senator Byrd who in my view was fierce in defense of the institutional prerogatives that we must hold dear. These prerogatives are important, not because they make us powerful but because they are the only tools that enable us to protect the liberty of each and every American that we represent. I want to thank Senator Stevens for overcoming his differences and working with all of us. I want to thank Chairman Young. Bill Young and I have a long relationship. We are friends, we are sometimes adversaries, but in all instances we are partners, and we will be partners for a long time to come as we deal with these issues. I want to thank the minority leader, Mr. Gephardt, because he intervened on three separate and crucial occasions in order to convey a seriousness of purpose on both ends of the avenue that was necessary to overcome our differences. I want to thank our Speaker. Yesterday on at least two occasions he demonstrated what leadership is all about. And I think it is safe to say that, more than almost anyone, he recognized the need for true unity yesterday and he recognized, as I said earlier, that that unity needed to be based upon the overcoming of our differences rather than the papering over of our differences.

I also do want to thank our staff on both sides of the aisle. Many people sitting here this morning have been working for days on this, but I especially want to single out Scott Lilly, the staff director on our side of the aisle, and Jim Dyer on the Republican side of the aisle. As usual, they have helped us to bridge differences and they have helped us protect the prerogatives and the needs of this institution. And the way they do it on a daily basis is a constant demonstration of the day-to-day actions that constitute true patriotism. I am profound in my admiration for them and all of those who work with them.

I want to say to the people of New York, there is not a district in this country that is more different from New York than mine. But every person

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in my district today stands as one with the people of New York. They have experienced a tragedy which is unparalleled. Our hearts go out to every single family who has lost anyone. I want to express our solidarity with those folks at the Pentagon, those folks who work there. They defend our country abroad and at home. Some of them paid the ultimate price and we will not forget. I want to thank those that were on the various airplanes that crashed who gave us fragmentary information about what happened and, at least on several occasions, obviously engaged in struggles which may have preserved the existence of the very building in which we work today. We owe them a lot. And we owe to each other efforts to build a new relationship and a new sense of comity in this town so that we can, in fact, meet the responsibilities that we were elected to perform.

I urge support for this bill.

Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of my time.

Mr. YOUNG of Florida. Mr. Speaker, I yield myself 1 minute.

Mr. Speaker, when America is attacked, when any American is attacked, when any of our places is attacked, all of our country is attacked. America was attacked on last Tuesday. Attacks took place in New York City and on our Defense Department here in northern Virginia. The gentleman from Wisconsin just eloquently referred to that. The New York delegation has been very strong in supporting whatever efforts need to be done to help the recovery in New York. The Governor of the State, Governor Pataki, the mayor of the city, Mayor Giuliani, all of the officials, the police, the firefighters, the emergency medical technicians, the doctors, the nurses, the civilians who volunteered, everyone has just responded in such a tremendous way, an outpouring of support and unity. It is just amazing to watch this response.

Mr. Speaker, I yield 3 minutes to the gentleman from New York (Mr. WALSH), one of the leaders of his Congressional delegation and also a leader on the Committee on Appropriations. He and other members of the delegation spoke to us eloquently yesterday at a meeting that we held with them.

Mr. WALSH. Mr. Speaker, it has often been said that America is great because it is good. This bill exemplifies the goodness of our Nation. I would like to begin by thanking the President of the United States who has been a pillar of strength throughout this incredible period of time. When I watched him yesterday, I saw tears welling up in his eyes. I saw his chin quiver. All of us have felt that since this incident occurred. But at the same time it was a velvet surface on a solid steel interior, and I think that is the way everyone has approached this tragedy.

I am so proud of this Nation. I am so proud of my colleagues here in the Congress. The way people came together to resolve this, partisanship aside, bicameral differences aside, would make this country and should make this country proud. The generosity of the American people is reflected in its representation here in the Congress, and this bill is the epitome of that generosity, $40 billion. But the point is the first thing the President said to the mayor and to the Governor of New York was, ``Whatever it takes.'' When I spoke with Chairman YOUNG, he said, ``We're going to provide whatever it takes.'' Ranking Member OBEY, ``Whatever it takes.'' There was no issue of money anywhere along the line. I want to express my gratitude to them.

Yesterday, I had the occasion to visit the Pentagon and to see the courage and bravery and the professional demeanor of the men and women who are working there. It inspires great strength. It inspires great confidence. The people of FEMA, the men and women over whom my subcommittee has oversight, are leading the efforts in both locations. Director Albaugh is in New York City doing his job. And he is proud to do it. We will be providing funds through this bill to FEMA. FEMA has already allocated $165 million for the response in both locations. The estimates from FEMA at this point, and they are preliminary estimates, are that the costs for the cleanup and reconstruction of this site in New York City are in the neighborhood of $9 to $10 billion. Those are only estimates. There are other estimates that are much higher. But clearly this is a proper, appropriate response to the initial damage that was done.

The promise that this bill provides from getting our city and our Pentagon back on track to tracking down the perpetrators of this incredible mass murder, is that the necessary resources will be there, because everyone, right down the line, including our Speaker, has promised to provide whatever it takes.

Mr. OBEY. Mr. Speaker, I yield 4 minutes to the gentleman from Pennsylvania (Mr. Murtha), the distinguished ranking member on the Subcommittee on Defense of the Committee on Appropriations.

Mr. MURTHA. Mr. Speaker, I want to compliment the leadership in protecting the prerogatives of the Congress but protecting the prerogatives of the people of this great Nation with the largest supplemental that I have ever seen since I have been in Congress. I think it is a well thought out and carefully drawn bill.

But what I wanted to really talk about was in my district, the tragedy that unfolded there. When we sat in the Capitol, when Jerry Lewis and I sat in the Capitol and heard that a plane was headed towards the Capitol, we evacuated, we listened to the various stories of it hitting New York, hitting the Pentagon. Then I traveled back to the district. I listened to the people who saw the airplane crash. I listened to the people in the tower in Johnstown, Pennsylvania, who explained to me they had a notification from Cleveland center about 10 minutes before the plane went over. It went over Johnstown airport at about 6,000 feet. I recognized, with all my years of experience listening to reports on terrorism, that that crew, those passengers, were struggling, that whole time. The plane started to disintegrate, apparently, four or five miles from the site where it landed.

When a reporter has asked me, why do you not think it was headed for Johnstown, Pennsylvania, well, as proud as I am of our district, there is no question in my mind the Capitol of the United States is a symbol of freedom worldwide. There is no question in my mind this airplane was headed towards the Capitol and it would have been disastrous with the loss of life and the symbolism that it would have presented to the perpetrators of this tragedy.

I am convinced they struggled. They fought. They missed a school by about a mile. They missed an industrial park by a couple of miles. They missed the airport by a couple of miles. But when I say a couple of miles, I am talking about seconds. This plane was traveling at just under the speed of sound. And as it rolled over and the people that saw it crash into the ground said it was upside down when it hit. I have seen tragedy in Beirut the day after the bombing. I have been to Somalia and Bosnia and Vietnam. I have never seen anything as horrendous as this crash. It apparently came straight in, avoided all the land, all the houses, the structures and so forth, and their purpose was consummated.

As a matter of fact, a number of people, and I agree with this, recommended we should put a small monument out there at the location where this plane hit. We are going to do that. We are going to also put a plaque with all the names at the Johnstown airport, because I consider these folks as real heroes. If anything came out of that, it shows the strength of America. These folks decided in their own mind, and having been a combat veteran myself, I understand the tough decisions you have to make when your life is threatened. These folks made the decision that they were not going to let this plane hit a populated area.

I want to commend them. I want to console the families. As tragic and sorrowful as this is, the fact that they saved innumerable lives, if there is any bright spot at all in this terrible tragedy, it is the fact that these people gave their lives to protect the Capitol of the United States, which is the symbol of freedom throughout the world.

[Time: 09:45]

Mr. YOUNG of Florida. Mr. Speaker, I yield 2 minutes to the gentleman from New York (Mr. Sweeney), another distinguished member of the New York delegation, who is also a member of the Committee on Appropriations, and was

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very instrumental in helping us to resolve this appropriations bill today.

(Mr. SWEENEY asked and was given permission to revise and extend his remarks.)

Mr. SWEENEY. Mr. Speaker, I thank the chairman for yielding me time.

Mr. Speaker, we have seen extraordinary efforts in bravery throughout America in the last several days; and as a New Yorker, yesterday I saw extraordinary efforts in recognition by a number of my colleagues here. As a New Yorker, I wanted to convey to those back home so it is understood, first, obviously, the President of the United States in recognizing the devastation and the deep hurt that was affecting all of us. I watched, Mr. Speaker, I watched my chairman, the gentleman from Florida (Chairman Young), recognize, understand and work ever so hard into the wee hours of this morning to begin to bring about the healing and bring about solutions for all of us in America, but in particular the pain we are feeling in New York. I want to say thank you to them.

I saw the gentleman from Wisconsin (Mr. Obey) and the other leadership work together in those same recognitions. There was a clear sign yesterday of how we all understood the devastation for the affected areas; but in reality, that devastation and its effect goes beyond individual jurisdiction, and the injury hits us all as Americans.

On Wednesday in this House we began with ceremony and symbolism as a body. Today I am proud to be part of a body and part of Congress that will act in the most meaningful and expeditious ways to begin to bring about the healing of the American people, of New Yorkers, and of this entire world.

I thank you all, and I urge my colleagues to support this important legislation.

Mr. OBEY. Mr. Speaker, I yield 1 minute to the distinguished gentleman from New York (Mr. NADLER), who was deeply involved in negotiations yesterday with us.

(Mr. NADLER asked and was given permission to revise and extend his remarks.)

Mr. NADLER. Mr. Speaker, let me express my gratitude to everyone in this Chamber for their expressions of solidarity with the people of New York and the people of my district.

On Tuesday, September 11, 2001, like December 7, 1941, a date which will live in infamy, the United States was viciously and treacherously attacked. Thousands of our fellow citizens lie dead under the rubble. The World Trade Center, one of the most visible symbols of my home, New York City, is no more. Thousands of families even now frantically await word of the fates of their family members.

Our response must be swift and resolute. First, we must continue the rescue and recovery operation, we must do all we can to assist the families of the victims, and we must help New York to recover from the devastation visited upon her.

Second, we must prosecute the war that has been thrust upon us with resolve, with fortitude, with unity, until the evil terrorist groups that are waging war against our country are eradicated from the face of the Earth.

This bill provides a down payment on the funds necessary to wage this war and to assist its victims. We will have to do far, far more; but we must begin. I urge unanimous approval of this bill.

Mr. YOUNG of Florida. Mr. Speaker, I yield myself 1 1/2 minutes.

Mr. Speaker, another of the sites of devastation was the Defense Department in Northern Virginia, at the Pentagon. After the tradegy, I went to the Pentagon, I visited there twice, and I will tell you that it is a sad, sad experience to see the nerve center of our military establishment attacked and damaged severely with a tragic loss of life.

Mr. Speaker, America sometimes takes our military for granted, except in a time of trouble and tribulation, when the military is called upon to perform, or when they are put at risk.

Mr. Speaker, the men and women who serve in uniform could be at risk at any time, without notice. These Americans serving at the Pentagon on Tuesday suffered with no notice, a tremendous loss of life. Those of us who spend time in Northern Virginia have friends who have been affected by the loss of loved ones.

Mr. Speaker, the one Member of this Congress who spends most of his life dealing with national defense issues is the chairman of the Committee on Appropriations Subcommittee on Defense. I have the privilege of serving on that subcommittee and I chaired it for some time. The current chairman, the gentleman from California (Mr. Lewis) is a real patriot and is really dedicated to the well-being of the men and women who serve in our military.

Mr. Speaker, I yield 2 minutes to the gentleman from California (Mr. LEWIS), the distinguished chairman of the Subcommittee on Defense of the Committee on Appropriations.

Mr. LEWIS of California. Mr. Speaker, I appreciate very much the gentleman yielding me time.

Mr. Speaker, I have come to tell friends in the last couple of days that Americans have not wanted to believe that our shores would ever be in danger, for we are a free people, a people who live in peace and who want freedom and peace for the world.

It is hard to believe that there are those who would use murder as their mechanism to make their point in the world. But, indeed, we have come together as a people across the country. We will adjourn not too long from now to go and pray together.

The world will see a different kind of America in the days ahead. My chairman in his statement said that we will not live in fear, and, indeed, we will not. A great President of our past, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, once said that the only thing we have to fear is, indeed, fear itself.

Yesterday on the floor of the House, the minority leader, the gentleman from Missouri (Mr. GEPHARDT), expressed the feeling of all of us that we in the House of Representatives, who have some serious responsibility here, nonetheless recognize in a time like this that we must support our Commander in Chief.

There is no party. My colleague, the gentleman from Pennsylvania (Mr. MURTHA), and I working on this Committee on Appropriations Subcommittee on Defense, know the importance of national strength.

But when our people come together, there is no Democrat, there is no Republican. We are the American people, and we will make sure that our freedom is preserved as we go forward and deliver hope for the world. Indeed, today is an important day for our people, standing shoulder by shoulder. We will communicate to all people who will hear that freedom for the world is our purpose.

Mr. OBEY. Mr. Speaker, I yield 1 minute to the gentleman from Missouri (Mr. SKELTON), the distinguished ranking member of the Committee on Armed Services.

Mr. SKELTON. I certainly thank the gentleman for yielding me time.

Mr. Speaker, I rise in strong support of this supplemental appropriation bill. We are here because there has been an outrage to decency, to American decency, by the attacks of September 11. We today are reflecting by our debate and by our votes the outrage of all Americans.

I realize that the words of condolences and the words of anger and outrage have nearly all been said, but we are here to act today. We are here to act by considering this legislation and passing it, hopefully unanimously, so that we can support the staggering loss of life and the symbols of American prowess in the world that have been damaged or destroyed. We are saddened for that.

But never let there be a doubt that we as Americans will retaliate, and that those who perpetrated this or harbor those who perpetrated it will long remember that they should never touch America again.

Mr. YOUNG of Florida. Mr. Speaker, I yield myself 30 seconds.

Mr. Speaker, I do so to say that in addition to the security of the Nation that we talk about with respect to our uniformed services and our military personnel and those who are at risk at any given time and those who serve this Nation so well, who are all volunteers, by the way, Mr. Speaker, intelligence is an important part of our Nation's security.

We have a very distinguished leader as chairman of our Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, a friend of mine for a long time, a colleague. I had the privilege of serving on the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence for 14 years. The gentleman from Florida (Mr. GOSS) is a former intelligence

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officer himself and has done a great job leading the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence. Most of the time the work that the gentleman and the folks who deal with national defense do not get much exposure, because much of that work must be done in secret.

Mr. Speaker, I yield 2 minutes to the gentleman from Florida (Mr. GOSS), the distinguished chairman of the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence.

Mr. GOSS. Mr. Speaker, I am much obliged to my good friend and colleague and very distinguished former member of the committee, whose wisdom we still enjoy on the committee, my friend, the chairman of the Committee on Appropriations, the gentleman from Florida (Mr. YOUNG).

We are equally blessed to have as the chairman of the Subcommittee on Defense the gentleman from California (Mr. LEWIS), who has also served on committee with great distinction. I do not think this country realizes how lucky we are to have people like the gentleman from California (Mr. LEWIS), the gentleman from Florida (Mr. YOUNG), the gentleman from Pennsylvania (Mr. MURTHA), and the gentleman from Wisconsin (Mr. OBEY), who understand the sensitivity and the necessity of the business that we deal with.

We do have some necessary business I need to bring up, and I would like to engage in a colloquy, if I may. I think as Members of the House are aware, the National Security Act requires a specific authorization for each dollar spent by the United States Government on intelligence and intelligence-related activities. This is a safeguard for Americans. In cases such as this, when an emergency spending bill is passed by Congress that includes funds for intelligence, it is customary to include a provisional authorization in the bill for those intelligence dollars.

I would like to seek the assurance of my good friends from Florida and California that although there is a provisional authorization for intelligence funds, it is their intent and the intent of the legislation that the administration will provide the appropriate congressional committees with a detailed accounting for all intelligence spending in this bill.

Mr. LEWIS of California. Mr. Speaker, will the gentleman yield?

Mr. GOSS. I yield to the gentleman from California.

Mr. LEWIS of California. Mr. Chairman, I can assure the gentleman that when it comes to intelligence funding that may be in this bill, it is indeed the intent of this legislation that the administration will provide Congress with specific spending plans as funds are obligated as well as detailed records of expenditures actually made.

Mr. Speaker, further, the gentleman from Pennsylvania (Mr. MURTHA) and I have just signed a letter to the director of the agency to make certain that there is a clear understanding of that very point that the gentleman makes.

Mr. GOSS. Mr. Speaker, reclaiming my time, I thank my colleague. I also definitely look forward to continuing to work closely with the gentleman and his committee to ensure that the money in this bill and all future intelligence funding is utilized to strengthen and improve our intelligence capabilities, near term and long term. Is that accurate?

Mr. LEWIS of California. Mr. Speaker, if the gentleman will yield further, that is correct.

Mr. OBEY. Mr. Speaker, I yield 1 minute to the distinguished gentlewoman from California (Ms. PELOSI), the ranking member on the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence.

Ms. PELOSI. Mr. Speaker, I thank the gentleman for yielding, and commend the leadership and all those who participated in bringing this bill to the floor today.

I want to associate myself with the concern expressed by our distinguished chairman of the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence about having some idea of how this money will be spent before it is. Then I would like to, of course, express my deep condolences to the people of New York and of our military for the tragedy that has befallen our country this week.

Our great President said it was a day that will live in infamy, of another tragic day in our history, and the distinguished chairman mentioned, he also said the only thing we have to fear is fear itself.

It is on that point I would like to just say that fear is the goal of terrorists. They have succeeded when they can frighten a country or frighten a people into the panic that would ensue. They have never met the New Yorkers, who are a fearless lot. The indomitable spirit of New York, I know, will lead the country to the recovery that we must and will have.

But make no mistake, make no mistake, they place no value on human life, these terrorists, so the number of people dead is no victory to them. The structures coming down mean nothing to them. Instilling fear is their goal. We must join with New York in its effort to, like the Phoenix, rise from the ashes and give them the defeat, the terrorists the defeat, that they deserve.

Mr. YOUNG of Florida. Mr. Speaker, I yield 3 1/2 minutes to the gentleman from Kentucky (Mr. ROGERS), the distinguished chairman of the Committee on Appropriations Subcommittee on Transportation, who has a great responsibility; and one of his responsibilities is airline safety and security.

(Mr. ROGERS of Kentucky asked and was given permission to revise and extend his remarks.)

[Time: 10:00]

Mr. ROGERS of Kentucky. Mr. Speaker, I thank the gentleman for yielding me this time.

I rise in support of the bill. I want to commend the leadership of the Speaker; of the gentleman from Florida (Mr. YOUNG), the chairman of this committee; the gentleman from Wisconsin (Mr. OBEY), the ranking member; and the bipartisan leadership for bringing this bill up and bringing it forward.

Mr. Speaker, I have never reflected on the meaning of America's motto before this time, I have to admit. But it says it all, I think, and that motto, of course, is ``E Pluribus Unum,'' Out of Many, One.

America is united now as I have not seen in my adult lifetime. It is heartening to see this morning riding into work Americans with flags flying from the windows of their cars and the offices of buildings throughout this city and, I am sure, all across America. In the wake of the despicable attack of September 11, Americans are in mourning. They are angry, but they are resolved to take decisive and severe action against these perpetrators, or those who harbor them. This raw emotion that Americans feel and the anger felt by us all will not easily yield to time, nor should it.

Yesterday, the Congress expressed its sorrow and its resolve. Today, we begin to act. In this bill, we give the President the extraordinary authority and resources to provide relief to the victims suffering so severely, to prosecute efforts that will allow retaliation against our enemies to ensure the safety of our people and to instill public confidence in our public facilities and services. Of paramount concern, of course, is the safety and soundness of our aviation system. We must, and we will, work with the President, the Secretary of Transportation, and the FAA to take immediate medium-term and long-term measures that prevent civilians and commercial aircraft from falling prey to terrorists.

This will be a complex and expensive task. It will require the cooperation of the Congress, Federal transportation officials, the intelligence community, the airline industry, airports, pilots, controllers, all of us. It will require creative thinking and some dramatic changes. But the aviation system is a critical component of this economy. To ensure its viability, the Congress must be convinced and the public must be satisfied that it is a safe system.

We are pleased with the steps that have been taken so far by the Secretary of Transportation, but there are many more steps that should be taken. We have to secure the cockpit, we have to have an armed guard on these planes, and we have to greatly enhance the screening capabilities we have to keep out terrorists from the passenger lists and on the tarmac.

So, Mr. Speaker, this bill will go a long way toward that. We have a long ways yet to go, and we will be back here in that respect.

But I support this bill, and I commend our leadership for putting it together in a bipartisan fashion.

Mr. OBEY. Mr. Speaker, I yield 1 minute to the distinguished gentleman

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from Pennsylvania (Mr. Fattah), a member of the committee.

Mr. FATTAH. Mr. Speaker, I thank the ranking member and I thank the chairman of the full committee for their work on this matter.

I rise to speak in favor of the supplemental and to also indicate that it is my hope that as we go about seeking to aid those who were victims of this tragedy, that we do not separate out in any way those who were victims in New York from those who were victims here in the Washington area. That is to say that I believe that all of those who were killed because of this incident really should be treated as if they died in service to this country, and that a comparable level of remuneration should be provided for even those who were not part of military service, and that a parity of benefits be accomplished through the dollars provided in this supplemental.

Those who went to work at the World Trade Center, just like those who went to work at the Pentagon on September 11, were targeted out and killed because they were citizens of this country and doing a vital service to this Nation, and I think they should be treated equally in that regard.

Mr. YOUNG of Florida. Mr. Speaker, I yield 2 minutes to the distinguished gentleman from Northern Virginia (Mr. Wolf), who represents the area that includes the Defense Department and the Pentagon, a member of the Committee on Appropriations.

(Mr. WOLF asked and was given permission to revise and extend his remarks.)

Mr. WOLF. Mr. Speaker, I rise in strong support of this supplemental. I want to thank the leadership on both sides; I want to thank the gentleman from Florida (Mr. YOUNG) and the gentleman from Wisconsin (Mr. OBEY) for moving so fast on this issue. This issue has hit the area that I represent. I also want to say my heart goes out to those families in this area and in New York and in New Jersey, in just watching the pain and the suffering and the agony of those who are looking for their loved ones and to let them know how much we care.

Also, I want to thank the rescue workers in my area, in New York City, and the people who have come together. I think this is just the beginning. I believe we should do whatever it takes and make sure that they know that we have the resolve to carry this through to make sure that we root out terrorism.

Lastly, I want to commend the President. We had an opportunity yesterday, and he met with the delegation. He was strong, he was confident. He is committed. And we will resolve this issue, and we will bring victory over terrorism.

I rise in strong support of this supplemental.

Mr. OBEY. Mr. Speaker, I yield 1 minute to the distinguished gentleman from Washington (Mr. DICKS), a key member of the committee and the former ranking member of the Committee on Intelligence, a member of the Subcommittee on Defense, and virtually every other committee that has anything to do with military affairs.

Mr. DICKS. Mr. Speaker, I want to congratulate the gentleman from Florida (Mr. YOUNG), the chairman of the committee, and the gentleman from Wisconsin (Mr. OBEY), the ranking member, for the fantastic job they did of protecting the prerogatives of this institution. I want to commend them also for the prompt response to this tragic event in our country's history. Our hearts do go out to the people of New York and the people at the Pentagon who have lost loved ones. This is truly the greatest tragedy in the history of the country.

I rise today just to urge our colleagues, as we think about this problem and prepare for the future, to recognize that we are going to have to strengthen not only our intelligence capability, but our military capability as well. For a number of years, we have been underfunding the Defense Department in terms of procurement and new weapons systems. I mean it has been at a tragically low level. Somehow, if we want to retain our military capability, if we want to have the kind of national security that we need for the future, we are going to have to make significant investments beyond those that we are making here today. This will help in some respects, but there still is a lot more that needs to be done.

Again, congratulations to everyone who worked on this. This is a good bill that deserves our support.

Mr. YOUNG of Florida. Mr. Speaker, I yield 2 minutes to the gentleman from Pennsylvania (Mr. PETERSON), another distinguished member of the Committee on Appropriations.

Mr. PETERSON of Pennsylvania. Mr. Speaker, today I rise to support this legislation. I rise with all of my colleagues; and I want to commend my colleagues that have brought this all together, because we are here today supporting freedom, preserving freedom, not only here, but around the world. We are the artery that supplies freedom to all. This country is the beacon, is the artery; and they went for the jugular.

I also am here supporting the heroes, the heroes in New York that gave their lives to get people out, heroes not mentioned. There were 2,000 Federal employees in buildings 6 and 7, and they got them all out but one because they carried out their plan so well. The passengers on the flight that came down in Pennsylvania gave it their all, and we are here supporting them.

If there is something good out of this, because I said in speeches for years that we often in Washington get off of our number one priority. The number one priority of the Federal Government is to preserve freedom, is to protect this country, is to keep us safe and provide safety and freedom around the world. Oftentimes, we have been off on lots of debates and I think spent far too little time and effort on the number one role of this government: preserving and fighting for freedom and making sure that the young people in this country understand that it does not just happen, it does not just keep going on; that we have to fight for it, that we have to preserve it, that it has to forever be the number one priority of this government; that keeping this country strong, keeping this country safe and promoting and fighting for freedom around the world is our number one role as representatives of our people in this Congress. That is our number one mission.

Mr. Speaker, I commend all of those that are leading us, including the President, in the direction to do that.

Mr. OBEY. Mr. Speaker, I yield 1 minute and 20 seconds to the distinguished gentlewoman from New York (Mrs. LOWEY), the ranking member of the Committee on Foreign Operations, who was deeply involved in negotiations about the New York element of this package.

(Mrs. LOWEY asked and was given permission to revise and extend her remarks.)

Mrs. LOWEY. Mr. Speaker, I first want to thank the gentleman from Florida (Mr. YOUNG), the chairman of the committee, and the ranking member for their extraordinary work in making this package possible.

In my district today, children grieve for the fathers and mothers who did not come home from work on Tuesday. So many families are grieving, Mr. Speaker. By now we have all heard of the men and women trapped in the World Trade Center calling their spouses saying good-bye. Our hearts and prayers are with all who are still waiting for a loved one to come home. Our arms are around you and America is with you.

As we speak on this floor, hundreds of brave men and women risk their lives minute by minute shifting carefully through the rubble and the twisted steel, searching against hope that they will find survivors in the wreckage of what was once my city's greatest building. Their heroism has moved a Nation and has touched the world. They are ordinary people engaged in the most extraordinary of acts. Each one is a hero and deserves our deepest thanks and praise. And they are not alone. New Yorkers and Americans have responded by the thousands, waiting in line to give blood and making charitable donations. This is the best of America and of New York.

Now Congress must act. We New Yorkers pride ourselves on being tough, but we cannot bear this terrible burden alone. Our Mayor and our Governor have been magnificent, but they need our help.

More than 48 hours after Tuesday morning's horrific attacks, the aftershocks continue. Buildings still crumble, families search for loved ones,

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thousands remain buried beneath rubble in New York and Virginia. Even now, rescuers are scrambling to pull survivors from the twisted steel and concrete of the World Trade Center.

[Begin Insert]

The bill before us today will provide $20 billion specifically for humanitarian needs.

Governor Pataki and Mayor Giuliani have made clear that they need funds now to take care of immediate needs: search and rescue, recovery of the victims, support for survivors and victims' families, and restoration of security and basic services to lower Manhattan. This legislation sends a clear signal that the Nation stands shoulder-to-shoulder with New York as we proceed with our rescue and recovery efforts.

Our first priority, and our singular focus, must be finding survivors, healing the injured, and comforting the bereaved. But when the urgent humanitarian needs have been met, we will be faced with the daunting task of starting anew. And we will find that what took seconds to destroy will take years to rebuild.

The package we pass today is merely a downpayment toward what will prove to be the largest recovery effort in our Nation's history--rough estimates total in the tens of billions of dollars. We will need to clear thousands of tons of debris from the streets. We will need to reconstruct large swaths of lower Manhattan. We will need to restore the infrastructure of the heart of the world's financial markets, and we will need to rebuild the economic backbone of the New York area. The ripple effects of this tragedy will be severe--they will be felt across the country, and around the world.

As we embark on this long and tortuous journey, I pledge today to my fellow New Yorkers and to all Americans that Congress will be with you every step of the way.

I urge unanimous passage of this bill.

[End Insert]

Mr. YOUNG of Florida. Mr. Speaker, I yield 1 minute to the gentleman from California (Mr. DREIER), the great chairman of the Committee on Rules.

(Mr. DREIER asked and was given permission to revise and extend his remarks.)

Mr. DREIER. Mr. Speaker, I thank the gentleman for yielding me this time. I want to congratulate the gentleman from Florida (Mr. YOUNG) and his entire team, and the gentleman from Wisconsin (Mr. OBEY) and, of course, the gentleman from Florida (Mr. GOSS), my friend and the great leader of the Committee on Intelligence, who also serves on the Committee on Rules.

I would like to take just a moment to say that as we express appreciation to all of our colleagues, I would like to express my appreciation to my colleagues on the Committee on Rules who, every night, have been ready and prepared to put together this very important legislation in support of it in a bipartisan way. I want to thank the gentleman from Texas (Mr. FROST) and those members of the minority as well.

I am very privileged to represent California; and we have all appropriately stood here to focus on New York, Pennsylvania, and the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area. Mr. Speaker, every single one of those airplanes that took off from Boston, Newark, Dulles, were headed to my State of California.

[Time: 10:15]

I would like to simply express for a moment my heartfelt condolences to the families and the loved ones of those people all the way on the other side of the country who have been horribly impacted by this tragedy. The sense of resolve that we have to deal with this is overwhelming, and our great President put it perfectly when he said, ``Nothing will diminish the spirit of our country.''

Mr. OBEY. Mr. Speaker, I yield 1 minute to the distinguished gentleman from New York (Mr. WEINER), who has been on the scene in New York and who gave one of the most moving statements in caucus yesterday that I have heard in the years that I have been in this institution.

Mr. WEINER. Mr. Speaker, I thank the gentleman from Wisconsin for his remarks.

In my district in Rockaway, in St. Frances DeSales, over 30 families of firefighters are praying today that their loved ones will be returned home. In their prayers, they might not be saying the name of the gentleman from Florida (Chairman YOUNG), but on their behalf I want to offer my thanks for the great work that the chairman has done on behalf of all of those families.

And on behalf of the literally hundreds of men and women who are on the bucket brigade by hand removing what is estimated to be 500,000 tons of debris trying to find survivors, on behalf of those people and others, I thank the gentleman from Wisconsin (Mr. OBEY) for how disciplined he has been and we have all been in trying to solve this problem quickly.

On behalf of all of the families of those who have been lost, I express my great thanks to all the Members of this body. Their words are indeed comforting to them.

But let us not misunderstand. This was not a successful attack on our country. Our financial services industry is going to be rebuilt stronger than ever. The physical structures in New York City are going to rise up. Our families are going to rise up.

On behalf of our entire country, I say to the terrorists, they have not been successful, and today demonstrates that.

Mr. YOUNG of Florida. Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of my time.

Mr. OBEY. Mr. Speaker, I yield 1 minute to the distinguished gentlewoman from Florida (Mrs. MEEK).

(Mrs. MEEK of Florida asked and was given permission to revise and extend her remarks.)

Mrs. MEEK of Florida. Mr. Speaker, I thank the gentleman for yielding time to me.

To my illustrious colleagues on the Committee on Appropriations, I come to this well today to thank them for having shown the highest valor that an Appropriations Committee could do. That is what it is all about to be a Member of Congress. They have risen to their highest glory today, because they have shown that through their wiles they have been able to bring to the hurt and harm to people in this country the resources of the United States government. That is what we should be about, to be able to act quickly and resolutely to what our problems are. I want to thank the Members for it.

I was around during World War II. I have been a member of the Committee on Appropriations. I know what military preparedness is all about. So do not worry about it, we are doing the right thing. Our young President is doing the right thing. We have to stand behind him. We have to unify, as Americans always do.

I am thankful to be here, having spanned all that time, to come back today to thank God for America.

Mr. YOUNG of Florida. Mr. Speaker, I yield 1 minute to my colleague, the gentleman from Florida (Mr. SHAW).

Mr. SHAW. Mr. Speaker, I thank the chairman for yielding time to me. I want to compliment the gentleman from Florida (Chairman YOUNG) and the entire Committee on Appropriations and, of course, the ranking member, the gentleman from Wisconsin (Mr. OBEY), for bringing us together and bringing us together so quickly, which is very difficult, and for giving the President the discretion that he desperately needs in order to really be the true leader.

I think it is also wonderful to note all across this country how we all are gathering and surrounding the President and recognizing the good work that is going to be necessary in order to rebuild and to retaliate.

There is no way that anybody on the face of this Earth can get away with what has happened, the tragedy that we have had just across the Potomac in Virginia, and the awful tragedy that we had in New York, and, of course, that plane full of heroes that crashed in Pennsylvania.

Sometimes it takes a tragedy like this to bring out the best in us, but I think the best in us has come out across all across this country.

I support this legislation, and urge a unanimous vote from this House of Representatives.

Mr. OBEY. Mr. Speaker, I yield 1 minute to the distinguished gentleman from Minnesota (Mr. OBERSTAR), the ranking member of the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, and one of the House's resident experts on aviation safety.

Mr. OBERSTAR. Mr. Speaker, I thank the gentleman for yielding time to me and for those kind words. Let me return the compliment to the leader on our side whose persistence, hard work, and enormous energy have carried the day for us. I thank the chairman for his leadership, the gentleman from Florida (Mr. YOUNG).

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Amidst the plethora of concerns addressed in this legislative package, I want to signal out the first line of attack in this terrorist incident; that is the Nation's airlines. The current conditions in the airlines sector could lead to a complete financial liquidation of the airline industry unless we address their immediate financial needs. Within 3 months, all of the carriers will completely run out of cash and be completely liquidated. They are losing cash on an average of $60 million a day per carrier.

The financial markets are closed and the airlines cannot get access to their respective lines of credit. Insurance has doubled. Many insurance companies are even considering cutting off insurance, and financial institutions have put all airlines on credit watch. Their cargo and mail is embargoed, their source of income is gone.

Remember, if Members expect ever to get home, they need an airline to get there.

Mr. OBEY. Mr. Speaker, I yield 1 minute to the distinguished gentleman from Maryland (Mr. HOYER), a key member of the Committee.

Mr. HOYER. Mr. Speaker, I thank my friend, the gentleman from Wisconsin, for yielding to me.

I salute the gentleman from Florida (Mr. YOUNG), the chairman of our committee, and the gentleman from Illinois (Speaker HASTERT), the gentleman from Missouri (Mr. GEPHARDT), Senate Majority Leader Daschle and Senate Republican Leader Lott, and my own ranking member, the gentleman from Wisconsin (Mr. OBEY).

From the outside, democracies sometimes appear weak, to those who do not understand the strength of a free people in discourse and disagreement. Sometimes democracies appear unwilling to act decisively in response to a threat. But those who perceive weakness where there is incredible strength make an awful, terrible mistake.

Today, within literally hours of a disastrous act being perpetrated against the United States, its people, and indeed, the very concept of freedom and liberty here and around the world, see how quickly democracies will act.

We will pass this as a first step, as a first commitment to confront tyranny, terrorism, and despots.

[Begin Insert]

Mr. Speaker, this emergency supplemental appropriations bill is a major step in the United States' initial response to the horrific terrorist attacks on Tuesday. I know that my colleagues will strongly support it.

Specifically, this bill is a rapid response to our Nation's urgent needs. It will make $40 billion available to Federal, State and local authorities to respond to these contemptible crimes.

It will allow us to increase transit security, repair public facilities and transit systems, fight international terrorism and strengthen our national security. And it will provide emergency relief to victims and their families.

However, make no mistake: This appropriations package is about more than money.

It is a clear demonstration of our Nation's resolve and unity in funding rescue operations and a military response to Tuesday's treacherous acts of war. Those acts will not go unanswered.

In the face of this challenge to our Nation and freedom-loving people throughout the world, the United States Congress speaks with one voice. Yes, we are Democrats and Republicans. But first we are Americans.

Congress has an important role to play, along with the President, in responding to this act of war.

For example, we have ensured that there will be approprirate oversight of the expenditure of these funds. As the elected representatives of the American people, we will work closely with the President on a daily basis in the coming weeks and months to ensure that the proper resources are provided and necessary actions taken.

Finally, let me say to my colleagues that I had the opportunity on Wednesday to tour the devastation at the Pentagon. Like all of us here, my prayers and heartfelt sympathies go out to all those who died or were injured in Tuesday's attacks, and their loved ones.

Many of my own constituents are among the victims at the Pentagon.

But even as I toured the carnage, I could not help but be buoyed by the courage and determination of the fire fighters and rescue workers and military personnel I met there.

Their spirit, and the spirit of democracy and freedom, can never be extinguished by the unmitigated evil that has been directed at innocent men, women, and children. Their spirit and their courage lights the way for us all, as we respond to these cowardly crimes.

I urge my colleagues to support this vitally important legislation.

[End Insert]

Mr. YOUNG of Florida. Mr. Speaker, I yield 1 minute to the gentleman from New York (Mr. FOSSELLA), another distinguished member of the New York delegation.

(Mr. FOSSELLA asked and was given permission to revise and extend his remarks.)

Mr. FOSSELLA. Mr. Speaker, I thank the chairman very much for yielding time to me, and I rise in support of this needed bill.

My wife called me this morning and said a neighbor came over and gave her a list of eight people who are missing from Staten Island. There are ten people at least within five blocks of my house who are missing from this explosion. That attack on Tuesday was an attack against the free people of this world. It was not just the folks in Staten Island, New York City, America, but all the free people in this great world.

However, I have been in that wreckage for the last couple of days. There is not a greater spirit, there is not more resolve, there is not a greater determination than to turn this horrific tragedy into the United States' finest hour. Indeed, that is happening.

So, if anything, for those martyrs who died on Tuesday, for those victims of this heinous act, let the United States stand strong once again and show that we would not be deterred by these terrorists.

I commend this Congress and its leadership, as well as the President of the United States, for taking a strong stand.

Mr. OBEY. Mr. Speaker, I yield 1 minute to the distinguished gentleman from New York (Mr. CROWLEY), who has at this moment, as I understand it, a member of his own family missing in New York.

Mr. CROWLEY. Mr. Speaker, I thank the gentleman from Florida (Chairman YOUNG) for all his work and the ranking member, the gentleman from Wisconsin (Mr. OBEY). I want to thank the President for unifying this country. I want to thank the New York delegation for the bipartisan effort that has been taking place in making sure this bill came about.

It makes me proud of the support this Congress has provided, support that has crossed partisan lines to assist New York over the last few days. Right now, my city and our entire Nation are reeling. We are digging out, optimistically searching for survivors, and regrettably, also finding dead.

We have basic infrastructure problems that need to be addressed immediately, and this bill is the downpayment to fund these operations.

Furthermore, this legislation allows our Nation to take the first steps toward preparing our Nation to proactively battle terrorism against our citizens here and abroad.

This bill sends a signal to the people of New York, Virginia, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Connecticut, and Americans everywhere that their government will not let them go it alone in times of crisis or emergency; that we are in fact one Nation, under God, indivisible.

I shed tears on this floor yesterday, and hope it is the last time I do. Those were tears not of fear but of pride in our Nation and in my city and of all Americans.

Mr. OBEY. Mr. Speaker, I yield 40 seconds to the gentleman from Virginia (Mr. MORAN), who represents the area devastated by the act on the Pentagon.

Mr. MORAN of Virginia. Mr. Speaker, as of yesterday, over at the Pentagon there were 196 people still missing from the Army, the Navy, and a number of contractors.

In addition to the 64 airline passengers, there were 21 from the Army, 47 Army civilians, six contractors, 33 Navy military personnel, 10 Navy civilians, and 5 Navy contractors who lost their lives at the Pentagon.

But, Mr. Speaker, our people have responded in a way that makes us so proud to be Americans. The Arlington County Fire Department and Police Department were the first on the scene. They have coordinated. They have no idea how much to ask for reimbursement because it did not matter to them. They have not kept any record. Volunteers poured in so fast it would have been impossible. They did not care about checking in, they cared about doing their job. They did their job.

I am so immensely proud of Arlington County, of Alexandria, of Fairfax

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County, of this entire Washington, D.C. metropolitan area. The going got tough, the tough got going. They saved the people that could be saved. They have done a wonderful job.

[Time: 10:30]

Mr. OBEY. Mr. Speaker, I yield 30 seconds to the distinguished gentleman from New York (Mr. SERRANO), a key member of the Committee on Appropriations.

Mr. YOUNG of Florida. Mr. Speaker, I am happy to yield the gentleman from New York an additional 30 seconds.

The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. THORNBERRY). The gentleman from New York (Mr. SERRANO) is recognized for 1 minute.

Mr. SERRANO. Mr. Speaker, I want to thank the gentleman from Wisconsin (Mr. OBEY) and the gentleman from Florida (Mr. YOUNG) for something they said that is important to us New Yorkers, that the attack may have been physically on New York, but the fact is it was on the whole country, and New York feels so grateful for the fact that this Congress has seen to our needs and then what we are doing here today.

We New Yorkers pride ourselves in being a tough people, resilient people. We are hurting right now. We, in some ways, have been brought to our knees, but we will bounce back. The Big Apple will come back because we are a tough people and resilient people; but more than anything else, Mr. Speaker, we are a grateful people; and today my city is grateful for the fact that in spite of all the rubble and all the pain, this Congress has seen fit to single us out for that special help.

So let the message be heard everywhere that, yes, the target was the Twin Towers and the target was New York City in that particular instance, and the Pentagon and Pennsylvania; but it was an attack on the United States of America; and no one, no one will bring us totally down, not in New York, not in Washington, not in Pennsylvania, not throughout this country.

Mr. OBEY. Mr. Speaker, I yield such time as she may consume to the gentlewoman from New York (Ms. SLAUGHTER).

(Ms. SLAUGHTER asked and was given permission to revise and extend her remarks.)

Ms. SLAUGHTER. Mr. Speaker, I rise on behalf of the people of upstate New York to say that we are deeply grateful for this action this morning in my district where people are waiting 8 hours in line to donate blood. We bleed too for our sister city.

Mr. OBEY. Mr. Speaker, I yield myself the final 30 seconds.

Mr. Speaker, this is a shattering experience of unprecedented proportion; but I say to every American, we have endured worse. We have gone through two world wars, Vietnam, Korea, the burning of the Capitol itself in 1812, the Civil War. I think we need to remember the words of President Lyndon Johnson when he stood at that podium and addressed this Congress on civil rights after the death of Martin Luther King: we shall overcome.

Mr. YOUNG of Florida. Mr. Speaker, I yield myself the balance of the time.

Mr. REGULA. Mr. Speaker, will the gentleman yield to me for a question?

Mr. YOUNG of Florida. I yield to the gentleman from Ohio.

Mr. REGULA. Mr. Speaker, we have heard a lot about the great American experience. They were all heroes, but I want to mention the Centers for Disease Control. They are unsung heroes because they are protecting us from bioterrorism, chemical, biological weapons. We are to have a briefing in the Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services and Education at 1 o'clock on that subject.

My question is will the funding here be available to deal with bioterrorism as well as other forms of terrorist attacks?

Mr. YOUNG of Florida. Mr. Speaker, I would say to the gentleman that the answer is yes, the President has tremendous leeway in how to use these funds for the immediate response to whatever the attack was or will be. The Congress will play a very important constitutional role in whatever that effort might be; but yes, the President does have the ability to use those funds for that purpose.

Mr. Speaker, once again, I would like to express on behalf of the House, as we close this debate, sympathy for the families of those who lost their lives in the airplanes in New York City, in Pennsylvania, at the Department of Defense and to let them know that this Congress is going to be supportive in any way that we can.

Mr. Speaker, I do not have adequate words to express the pride that I feel today for the Members of this Congress. We have a lot of political differences which have been obvious in the past, which will be obvious in the future; but in this time of triumph those differences have been set aside to be addressed at another time.

Today, we unify our Nation. We unify our government and we say to the world, Americans will not live in fear. We will not allow attacks upon our people or our places. Despite the political differences that we may have from time to time, and there are many, as there should be, we will never be divided as a Nation, as a people, as a government, as a Congress on the issue of defending our people, defending our Nation. And if one American is attacked, if a group of Americans are attacked, if one of our places is attacked, then as far as I am concerned, our entire Nation has been attacked; and we are not going to stand for it.

We will do whatever it takes to support our President, who is strong in his determination to lead this effort, to support our President as we move towards victory over those who would perpetrate terrorism and bring fear and tyranny to the world; and we are just not going to allow that to happen.

I urge the passage of the bill.

[Begin Insert]

Mr. SIMMONS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in strong support of H.R. 2888, an immediate congressional response to one of the most despicable acts of terrorism this country has seen. Tuesday's attacks were just the beginning of a new and lethal terror campaign against the United States. Thousands of mothers and fathers; husband and wives; sons and daughters of all faiths and diverse nationalities: murdered. No warning, no explanation, no cause. On September 11, Americans from every walk of life were taken from us by an act of terrorism. An act of murder. An act of war.

This tragic event dramatically changed the lives of many close to home. On Tuesday night my wife spent the evening watching television with neighbors in my hometown of Stonington, Connecticut. Their young grandson, Josh Piver, my daughter's friend and classmate, had a new and exciting job on the 105th floor of the World Trade Center. He was energetic and intelligent, living the American dream in the ``Big Apple.'' He is missing, like many others from eastern Connecticut. I found that the most important thing I could do as a Member of Congress was to keep working. To get to work on Wednesday and demonstrate that the people's work will go on, and that no matter how badly we hurt, our democracy remains as strong as ever.

And it is here on the House floor where the work--vitally important work--continues. Today we are taking the first step toward providing the President the necessary tools to rebuild what has been destroyed, restore what has been taken and react to those who have inflicted such unspeakable damage on our great nation. Republicans and Democrats have stood side-by-side in an unprecedented manner to craft a bill that will provide $40 billion in emergency spending for the recovery from the recent terrorist attacks and for providing the long overdue resources for the investigation that will enhance our national security.

Specifically, the bill appropriates $10 billion immediately to the Emergency Response Fund for federal activities such as preparedness for mitigating and responding to the attacks; support to counter, investigate and prosecute domestic and international terrorism, increased transportation security; repairing public facilities and transportation systems damaged by the explosions; and supporting national security.

Additionally, the bill makes another $10 billion available 15 days after a Presidential disaster relief plan is submitted and an additional $20 billion will be made available through the normal appropriations process. These are the first installments of a long-term recovery plan for the disaster areas.

I want to thank the Speaker of the House, the Minority Leader, and all the members of the Appropriations Committee for coming together during these trying times and putting forth a bill that will immediately respond to this week's terrible events. These are times that try our souls. But America is strong and flexible. We will survive this latest test of our freedom, our values and our democracy. I am proud to vote for this much-needed relief and proud to be a Member of this legislative body.

Mr. MENENDEZ. Mr. Speaker, there could be no spending bill more important than the

[Page: H5629]

one before us today. We need the full resources of our government behind the challenges that lie ahead. And this has to be a multi-front effort. We need to be relentlessly pursuing and punishing those who committed these crimes. As the Representative of New Jersey's 13th Congressional District--right across the river from Manhattan--I can tell you my constituents are going through enormous hardships.

About 50 percent of the people who worked in the Twin Towers live in New Jersey. Families who have just lost their sole breadwinner may now face losing their homes; people who survived, who worked anywhere in lower Manhattan, face uncertain employment futures and what for some will be staggering medical bills--all this in addition to the emotional and psychological trauma. Lives have been turned upside down.

It is critical that while we fight our enemies abroad, we make sure that all the needed funding and attention also goes to the families in crisis here at home.

Mr. ENGEL. Mr. Speaker, I am humbled today by the outpouring of support from across our Nation for the people of my home, New York City. I want to thank Mayor Giuliani and Governor Pataki. Their strong leadership has made getting through this much, much easier. Here on the floor today, the Congress is doing its part. The leadership of the Congress, in a non-partisan way has come together to respond swiftly and powerfully. Also, I want to thank the President as well for his quick, strong support for this bill.

The bill, though simple, is very powerful. The bill provides $20 billion to begin the rebuilding of New York. It also provides $20 billion to ramp up our efforts at counter-terrorism. All of this is so obviously needed. I want again to recognize the incredible heroism of the emergency response personnel who have put themselves in harm's way without regard for their own safety. You are all amazing and I am truly astounded. I also want to say to the families of the victims of this tragedy, that I and every other American grieve with you. We cannot express in words what is in hearts. You are in our prayers and thoughts. These acts of terrorism against New York and the Pentagon will not deter us though. We will rebuild our city. We will rebuild the Pentagon. We will go on. We stand united. We are Americans.

Ms. KILPATRICK. Mr. Speaker, America is a diverse nation. Despite our diversity, America, in times of crisis, pulls together. Nowhere is that fact made manifest than in this chamber today. Republicans, Democrats and Independents all gather here today to begin the first steps in pulling our nation out from under the rubble that befell New York and the Pentagon on Tuesday, September 11.

I want to commend our leadership for working cooperatively and effectively with the Speaker of the House and the leaders on the other side of the Capitol. The supplemental appropriations bill, H.R. 2888, that we consider today is a down payment for responding to the attack we experienced on American soil three days ago.

The money contained in this bill will help restore downtown Manhattan to greater glory and reconstruct the largest office building in the world, the Pentagon. But the money will be used for more than just the rebuilding effort; it will be used to strengthen and make more secure the National Airspace System. Americans must feel safe in the nation's skies if the business of this country is going to proceed unimpeded. This bill will add more capability to the intelligence functions of our government, so we can be more vigilant of those who pose a threat to the safety and security of our nation. More fundamentally, this bill will assist us in our pursuit of those countries, organizations or individual enemies that would seek to destroy our country, our countrymen, our values, our democratic form of government and, in short, our very soul as a nation.

I congratulate the leadership of this House and leadership of the Appropriations Committee for acting swiftly in bringing this money bill for action today, and I thank them for permitting me to express my support for this bill.

Mr. FROST. Mr. Speaker, I will be very brief this morning, because a lot of people have already spoken very eloquently about the barbaric attack of September 11th--about how it has changed America and the world, and about the war against terror it has started.

Mr. Speaker, on Tuesday, untold thousands of innocent people were murdered in a cowardly, heinous assault on America and the civilized world. Since then, all of us in the Congress--regardless of ideology or party affiliation--have repeatedly pledged to work together in a bipartisan manner to respond.

Today, the United States Congress begins making good on that pledge. This $40 billion bill makes a down payment on the campaign to bring aid to our suffering countrymen, to punish the terrorists who have declared war on America, and to ensure no one ever dares attacks us like this again. It provides resources for disaster assistance and recovery, and for anti-terrorism initiatives. It will help the people of New York and officials at the Pentagon as they begin the long, important process of rebuilding. And it will provide the President with the resources he needs to begin waging this war on terrorism.

Mr. Speaker, the war against terror will not be won overnight. It will take a long-term, serious, and sustained campaign from the Congress, the American people, and the President. We understand that, and we are committed to it. We stand united, shoulder to shoulder, against the perpetrators of the horror of September 11th--and against anyone who might ever contemplate trying something like it again. Make no mistake, these terrorists--and all of their ilk--will understand very clearly that when America is attacked, we respond with one voice, and with the full force of the United States of America.

Mr. SHAYS. Mr. Speaker, I rise in support of this supplemental appropriations bill. This assistance will save lives and lay the foundation for the long, arduous process of rebuilding New York City and the surrounding communities affected by Tuesday's cowardly terrorist attack.

Make no mistake about it: this legislation is a down payment for what we'll need to put lives back together and restore a shining city that is a beacon of freedom to people all over the world.

I'm told that after the bombing of Pearl Harbor, Congress passed 10 separate appropriations bills, so our work won't be done tonight--not by a long shot. But in passing this legislation, we'll be sending an important message that the American people stand together and that their government will do everything it takes to help in this hour of need.

We are all part of an extraordinary American family--we must seize the opportunity and take care of each other in this time of crisis.

Mr. FORBES. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in strong support of this legislation, which will provide our nation with the resources it needs to continue our recovery efforts, to rebuild our damaged structures, and to seek out and punish those who have committed these heinous acts of violence upon our nation.

Years ago, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt said, ``We, and all others who believe in freedom as deeply as we do, would rather die on our feet than live on our knees.'' The enemies of freedom who attacked our nation and our people on Tuesday used a weapon that represents the newest in warfare--terror. They win when they bring us to our knees and we cower in fear. They derive their power from making us change our way of life and making us spend our days looking over our shoulder.

We will not let them win. We will not give them that satisfaction. Today's legislation ensures this will be true. The funding we appropriate today is but a down payment. We will not rest until we have assisted all Americans who bore the brunt of Tuesday's terror. We will not rest until we have rebuilt the City of New York, and rebuilt the nation's defense fortress at the Pentagon, and restored the pastoral beauty of Western Pennsylvania. And, in rebuilding these structures, we will strengthen the will of the American people.

Finally, Mr. Speaker--and let this be absolutely clear to those who seek to harm the United States, its people, and its allies--we will not rest until we have sought out, found, and vanquished those who perpetrate this evil. We will remain standing tall and proud in our eventual victory.

I am proud to stand with my colleagues and my President to support this important legislation, and I urge a resounding and unanimous vote.

Mr. GILMAN. Mr. Speaker, I rise in strong support for this $40 billion Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Act for disaster assistance, for anti-terrorism initiatives, for assistance in the recovery from the horrific tragedy that occurred on Tuesday, September 11, 2001, another day of infamy.

We have all experienced the distressing scenes of Tuesday's disasters. We have shared in the shock and sadness felt by our entire Nation. It is now up to us in Congress to provide swift, positive support to our President in order to make certain that the events of Tuesday will never happen again.

The approval of this supplemental bill will provide $40 billion for five specific needs: The Federal, State and local response; terrorism investigations and intelligence operations; transit security; public building and transportation repair; and national security. This funding will be made available through the end of fiscal year 2001 and into fiscal year 2002; until fully expended.

Approving this measure is the first and an important step toward ending the evil of terrorism, an evil which exists solely for the purpose of disseminating terror and ending freedom throughout the world.

I urge all of my colleagues to support this important emergency funding initiative.

Mr. BENTSEN. Mr. Speaker, I rise in strong support of H.R. 2888, a $40 billion emergency supplemental appropriations bill that will provide the administration with the critical tools to

[Page: H5630]

defend and protect our great Nation and support efforts to recover from this week's egregious terrorist attacks.

As the dust begins to settle in New York, Pennsylvania, and right here in our Nation's Capital, my thoughts and prayers are with the victims' families and those who are still waiting to hear from missing loved ones. On this day of national prayer and reflection, we come together as Americans in a great showing of unity that transcends the bounds of religious, race, or ethnic origin. The surface of America is not found in her structures; it is rooted in the spirit of her people.

This measure immediately provides the President with $10 billion to fund the costs of Federal, state, and local preparedness efforts to prevent and respond to terrorist attacks. Additionally, this legislation enhances our law enforcement resources to prosecute international and domestic terrorism and air travel security. At least half of the funding will be dedicated to helping those affected recover from this tragedy.

This emergency expenditure is an unequivocal display of this Congress' support for the President's efforts to fortify our Nation. Let this action show, the leaders of this land speak with one voice in our resolve to restore peace in America and bring justice to the innocent victims.

Today, the statue of Freedom stands watch atop the Capitol dome and in the shadow of the devastation in Manhattan, Lady Liberty continues to hold her torch high, reminding us that freedom does not come without cost. Time and time again, the strength and unity of Americans has been tested; the rubble of September 11 will sprout a new era of brotherhood in these United States.

Mr. HASTERT. Mr. Speaker, I rise in support of this supplemental spending measure and I urge all of my colleagues to support it as well.

When a poet said that these are the times that try men's souls, he could have been describing the scene before us today.

We have thousands of people lost, thousands more injured, and symbols of the strength and vitality of our democracy--the World Trade Center and the Pentagon--destroyed and damaged.

We have a sworn enemy that dares not to confront us in the open.

This enemy operates in the shadows, hates with an unnatural passion, and practices political fanaticism that glorifies violent death and condemns innocent life.

We must defeat this enemy once and for all.

The Constitution of the United States of America, the document that protects the freedoms of all Americans, gives us in the Congress certain responsibilities.

Article I Section 8 of the Constitution says that the Congress shall have power to provide for the common defense, and the power to declare war.

With this supplemental spending measure, the Congress is exercising its responsibility to provide for the common defense.

In a later resolution, we will address the issue of authorizing the President to use force.

The money we provide today--$40 billion--could very well be the down payment for our ultimate investment in this great endeavor.

And what a great endeavor it is.

To make America and the world a safer place by defeating once and for all these sworn enemies of common decency and the American way of life.

No payment that we make today can really make up for the loss of life that occurred on September 11, 2001.

Those poor innocent souls, those husbands and wives, and brothers and sisters, parents and children will not be coming back from the treachery of our enemy.

But we can start the process of rebuilding, of healing, and of preparing our nation for this greatest cause of this newest century.

We must eliminate the scourge of terrorism.

The American people have faced great challenges in the past.

On July 4, 1776, our founding fathers decided to challenge tyranny. After we won our freedom, we constructed the world's greatest Constitution and created a stable and thriving democracy.

We faced dark days when our nation was torn asunder in a civil war. We came together after that War Between the States to become the savior of Europe in the First World War.

The Empire of Japan deliberately attacked us on December 7, 1941, and we emerged as the greatest defender of the free world.

We faced down communism in a painful cold war and emerged as the world's sole superpower.

And now, after this greatest of American tragedies, we face the greatest of challenges.

I am comforted by the work of the President and his team. They are assembling a worldwide coalition of civilized nations. These nations look to the United States for leadership and want to join us on this great crusade.

We will provide that leadership.

We have a job to do in this Congress, and this supplemental spending bill is an important part of that responsibility.

I ask my colleagues to join with me in supporting our President, in supporting our Constitution, and in supporting the American way of life.

Vote for the supplemental spending bill and do your job as a representative of the American people.

Ms. JACKSON-LEE of Texas. Mr. Speaker, I rise in support of H.R. 2888, a supplemental appropriation designated to assist our nation's collective response to the September 11, 2001 terrorist attack against the people of America.

Mr. Speaker, this supplemental appropriation is quite different from any other supplemental appropriation that members of this body will ever consider. Recovery operations are well underway at the Pentagon and the World Trade Center sites and this process is expensive.

I am pleased that the House and the Senate have come together again, in a bipartisan fashion, to provide the necessary funds to pay for the equipment and man hours deployed by federal and state agencies in order to start the healing process. Additionally the legislation includes the instructions of consultation with and review by the U.S. Congress.

As we debate this supplemental appropriation, thousands of rescue workers have been deployed to remove debris, investigate crimes, and most importantly provide medical and other forms of assistance for the human suffering that will remain etched in our minds for days to come.

Mr. Speaker this supplemental provides $40 billion immediately to help our country reinforce the confidence in its great democracy which has weathered other storms. Although it may take some time, we, as a nation, will move beyond this point with the help of God.

No price is too great to pay, Mr. Speaker, when it comes to doing what is necessary to let the cowards of this world know that America will not be shaken spiritually or financially by individuals who have permitted hate to control their hearts and minds.

I want to point out, Mr. Speaker, that the children of this nation have been greatly impacted by those cowardly acts that took place in New York City and at the Pentagon. Many parents will never return home to their children and as a result, we in this body must make sure that we provide the necessary support to help our children adjust.

I hope that the President will use his discretion to spend the funds provided under H.R. 2888 in a manner that places a high priority on children and their special needs during these difficult times.

Also, the funds that we provide through this supplemental appropriations will be provided to the state and affected local governments in New York, Virginia and Pennsylvania to remove debris, to conduct emergency services related to the disaster, and to replace public facilities damaged by the explosions and fires. Also, these funds will be used to investigate, or prosecute domestic or international terrorism.

[End Insert]

The SPEAKER pro tempore. All time for debate has expired.

Pursuant to the order of the House of today, the bill is considered read for amendment and the previous question is ordered.

The question is on the engrossment and third reading of the bill.

The bill was ordered to be engrossed and read a third time, and was read the third time.

The SPEAKER pro tempore. The question is on passage of the bill.

Pursuant to clause 8 of rule XX, the yeas and nays are ordered.

The vote was taken by electronic device, and there were--yeas 422, nays 0, not voting 9, as follows:

[Roll No. 341]










































Brady (PA)

Brady (TX)

Brown (FL)

Brown (OH)

Brown (SC)














Carson (IN)

Carson (OK)
























Davis (CA)

Davis (FL)

Davis, Jo Ann

Davis, Tom










[Page: H5631]
















































Green (TX)

Green (WI)





Hall (OH)

Hall (TX)





Hastings (FL)

Hastings (WA)





























Jackson (IL)

Jackson-Lee (TX)




Johnson (CT)

Johnson (IL)

Johnson, E. B.

Johnson, Sam

Jones (NC)

Jones (OH)





Kennedy (MN)

Kennedy (RI)



Kind (WI)

King (NY)













Larsen (WA)

Larson (CT)






Lewis (CA)

Lewis (GA)

Lewis (KY)




Lucas (KY)

Lucas (OK)


Maloney (CT)

Maloney (NY)






McCarthy (MO)

McCarthy (NY)












Meek (FL)

Meeks (NY)




Miller (FL)

Miller, Gary

Miller, George




Moran (KS)

Moran (VA)




























Peterson (MN)

Peterson (PA)









Price (NC)

Pryce (OH)















Rogers (KY)

Rogers (MI)









Ryan (WI)

Ryun (KS)



























Smith (MI)

Smith (NJ)

Smith (TX)

Smith (WA)

















Taylor (MS)

Taylor (NC)



Thompson (CA)

Thompson (MS)











Udall (CO)

Udall (NM)









Watkins (OK)

Watson (CA)

Watt (NC)

Watts (OK)



Weldon (FL)










Young (AK)

Young (FL)




Davis (IL)






Weldon (PA)

[Time: 10:45]


The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. COOKSEY) (during the vote). The Chair has an announcement.

The Chair announces that the electronic system is temporarily inoperative. The vote will be held open until all Members are recorded. The Clerk will retrieve the names of all Members already recorded electronically from the board. The Chair will then combine these votes that have been recorded electronically with the tally cards being signed by the Members. Together this will constitute a valid vote. Members are encouraged to confirm their vote by filling out a ballot card.

The vote will proceed.

[Time: 11:01]


The SPEAKER pro tempore (during the vote). The Chair has a further announcement.

The current vote will remain open until Members return from the memorial service in order to confirm their votes.

[Time: 14:12]

So the bill was passed.

The result of the vote was announced as above recorded.

A motion to reconsider was laid on the table.


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