Congressional Resolutions
  • 1802 - Resolutions, Expressing the Sense of Congress on the Gallant conduct of Lieut. Sterret, the Officers and Crew of the United States Schooner Enterprize : February 3

  • 1804 - Resolution Expressive of the Sense of Congress of the Gallant Conduct of Captain Stephen Decatur, the Officers and Crew of the United States Ketch Intrepid, in Attacking in the Harbor of Tripoli, and Destroying, a Tripolitan Frigate of Forty-four Guns : November 27

  • 1805 - Resolutions Expressive of the Sense of Congress of the Gallant Conduct of Commodore Edward Preble, the Officers, Seamen and Marines of His Squadron : March 3

  • 1806 - Resolution Concerning the Danish Consul at Tripoli : April 10

  • 1943 - Fulbright Resolution; September 21

  • 1943 - Connally Resolution, November 5

  • 1946 - Participation in UNESCO, July 30

  • 1946 - Acceptance of Compulsory Jurisdiction of International Court of Justice, August 2

  • 1947 - Participation in IRO, July 1

  • 1948 - Vandenberg Resolution; June 11

  • 1948 - Participation in WHO, June 14

  • 1973 - War Powers Resolution; November 7

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