Certificate to General Secretary
I certify that I have served the following documents: (1) Indictment, (2) Notice, (3) Charter of International Military Tribunal, (4) Rule 2 (d) of the Rules of the International Military Tribunal, and (5) list of German lawyers, on the following named defendants at the time and place stated, by personally delivering to each of them a copy in the German language of each of the above-named documents:
HESS, Rudolf | 19 October 45 | Nuremberg |
GORING, Hermann | 19 October 45 | Nuremberg |
JODL, Alfred | l9 October 45 | Nuremberg |
VON RIBBENTROP, Joachim | 19 October 45 | Nuremberg |
KEITEL, Wilhelm | 19 October 45 | Nuremberg |
LEY, Robert | 19 October 45 | Nuremberg |
VON NEURATH, Constantin | 19 October 45 | Nuremberg |
SAUCKEL, Fritz | 19 October 45 | Nuremberg |
VON PAPEN, Franz | 19 October 45 | Nuremberg |
DOENITZ, Karl | 19 October 45 | Nuremberg |
SEYSS-INQUART, Arthur | 19 October 45 | Nuremberg |
FRANK, Hans | 19 October 45 | Nuremberg |
ROSENBERG, Alfred | 19 October 45 | Nuremberg |
FUNK, Walter | 19 October 45 | Nuremberg |
FRICK, Wilhelm | 19 October 45 | Nuremberg |
SPEER, Albert | 19 October 45 | Nuremberg |
VON SCHIRACH, Baldur | 19 October 45 | Nuremberg |
SCHACHT, Hjalmar | 19 October 45 | Nuremberg |
STREICHER, Julius | 19 October 45 | Nuremberg |
KALTENBRUNNER, Ernst | 19 October 45 | Nuremberg |
I further certify that I have apprised each of the above-named defendants of his right to the employment and designation of counsel.
/s/ A. M. S. NEAVE, Major.