Belgian-American Diplomacy
- 1845 - Treaty of Commerce and Navigation : November 10
- 1858 - Treaty of Commerce and Navigation : June 17
- 1863 - Convention Relative to Import Duties and Capitalization of Scheldt Dues: May 20
- Declaration Annexed to the Convention
- 1863 - Convention for the Extinguishment of the Scheldt Dues: July 20
- Treaty of May 12, 1863, Between Belgium and the Netherlands Annexed to the Treaty of July 20, 1863
- Protocol of July 15, 1863 Between Belgium and the Netherlands Annexed to the Treaty of July 20, 1863
- 1868 - Naturalization Convention: November 16
- 1868 - Convention Concerning the Rights, Privileges, and Immunities of Consuls: December 5,
- Protocol additional to the Convention signed December 5, 1868
- 1868 - Additional Article to Treaty of July 17,1858, Concerning Trademarks: December 20
- 1874 - Extradition Convention : March 19
- 1875 - Treaty of Commerce and Navigation: March 8
- 1880 - Consular Convention : March 9
- 1882 - Extradition Convention : June 13
- 1884 - Trade-mark Convention : April 7
- 1901 - Extradition Convention : October 26
- Declaration Annexed to the Convention