The British War Bluebook
Sir H. Kennard to Viscount Halifax (Received 5:5 p. m.). August 27, 1939.
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No. 72.

Sir H. Kennard to Viscount Halifax (received 5:5 p. m.).

(Telegraphic.) Warsaw, August 27, 1939.

YOUR telegrams of 25th and 26th August.

I discussed questions of exchange of populations and neutral observers with M. Beck this morning.

2. As regards first, he said that in principle he saw no objection and was prepared to convey to German Government that he was ready to consider such a proposal, possibly not directly to State Secretary, but in such a manner that he was sure it would reach the highest authorities.

3. As regards question of neutral observers, he had again consulted President of the Council, but he would let me know his decision in the course of the day.

4. As he told me that the Pope had during the night, through the Nuncio, asked if there was anything he could do, I suggested to M. Beck that he should inform His Holiness that he was prepared to consider an exchange of populations and also use of neutral observers in order to demonstrate that German accusations of maltreatment were completely without foundation. The Pope could then communicate these proposals to the German Government with approval of Polish Government. M. Beck seemed to consider this favourably and promised he would give it his immediate consideration. I warned him that there was no time to lose.

5. As regards Danzig, M. Beck did not from his latest information anticipate fait accompli there to-day or in very immediate future. For the moment all was quiet there as far as he knew.

6. I again emphasised to his Excellency importance of his giving sufficient warning to His Majesty's Government of any action which Polish Government or army contemplated taking as result of any fait accompli at Danzig. His Excellency again promised to do this, though he made reservation that situation might arise where immediate action would be necessary.

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